Tag Archives: 4 e

Funktion one


F215 MK2


F218 MK2

F218 MK2

Manuale F218 MK2


F 121

F 121

Manuale F 121

Evo 6E

Manuale Evo 6E

Resolution 4E

Resolution 4E

Manuale Resolution 4E

Resolution 4T


Resolution 2

Resolution 2

Manuale Resolution 2

Resolution 1

Manuale Resolution 1

Evo 6sh skeletal

Manuale Evo 6sh skeletal



FINALI E SERIES:   E 15    E 25    E30Q E 45 E90

The E Series amplifier range includes three Class AB amplifiers, designed to Funktion-One’s specification and manufactured by MC2 to our exacting standards of audio fidelity.

E-Series models include the E15, E25 and E30Q, each offering a sophisticated power control system (linked to both the limiter and the power supply) which keeps the amps within their operating limits at all times. Power Reduction Circuit (PRC) controls on rear panel, linked to the limiter threshold, enable each channel to be independently set so that different loudspeakers can be connected to each channel with safety. Full DC, short circuit and thermal protection, which automatically reconnects when the fault is cleared. Front panel LEDs indicate fault condition. Optional crossover cards available.


 Manulae Amplifer Funktion One E-SERIES

E15 Two Channel Amplifier:
Output power (Watts RMS) per channel
8Ω – 425W; 4Ω – 750W; 2Ω – 1400W  
E25 Two Channel Amplifier:
Output power (Watts RMS) per channel
 8Ω – 650W; 4Ω – 1250W; 2Ω – 2200W
E45 Two Channel Amplifier:
 Output power (Watts RMS) per channel
   8Ω – 1200W; 4Ω – 2250W; 2Ω – 3200W



Manuale Amplifer Lab Gruppen PLM20000Q

Power Amplifier
The power amplifier platform of the PLM 20000Q integrates several new developments to maintain reliable, sustained output at unprecedented power levels. The Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS) is a new universal design that connects to any mains supply in the world. (Operating range is 100 V – 265 V, but new Under Voltage Limiting extends operation down to 65 V with reduced output power.) The design also incorporates power factor correction (PFC) to reduce peak current draw from the mains.

5000 W per channel @ 2.2 – 3.3 ohms
4400 W per channel @ 4 ohms
2U chassis weighing only 17 kg (37 lbs)
Class TD® output stage
Universal (70 – 265 V) Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS™) works anywhere in the world
Power factor correction (PFC) helps maintain full output during extended power bursts
Copper-finned Intercooler® with transverse-mounted output devices
Comprehensive loudspeaker preset database
LoadSmart™ load verification and SpeakerSafe™ continuous loudspeaker performance monitoring
Dante™ low-latency digital network included as standard
Compatible with Lake LM 26, Dolby® Lake Processor and other legacy Lake devices
Primary and secondary network connections
Digitally controlled “amplifier gain” adjustable in 0.1 dB steps
Digital output attenuation in 0.25 dB steps from -inf to 0 dB
Binding post or Neutrik® speakON® output connectors
Digitally implemented, zero-overshoot Inter-Sample Voltage Peak Limiting (ISVPL™) adjustable in 0.1 V steps from 17.8 to 194 V
Power Average Limiter (PAL) with software-controlled Breaker Emulation Limiter (BEL™) prevents mains fuse tripping
Under-Voltage Limiting (UVL™) enables continued operation with mains voltage sags as low as 65 V
High-brightness front-panel LCD display
Moisture resistant silicone touchpad




 Manuale Processore XO1

The XO-1 features 2 inputs and 6 outputs, each output features crossover filters, 5 band parametric equaliser configurable as high and low shelving filters plus limiter and delay. Full metering is provided for inputs and outputs, with mute and access buttons allowing quick set up and gain adjustment.


  • 2 Inputs and 6 outputs provide for multiple crossover formats including full stereo 3 way.
  • 6 x 5 band parametric sections, plus high and low shelving filters for box equalisation.
  • High performance limiters on each output.
  • Precise 2.6 uS (less than 1mm) delay increment for perfect driver time alignment.
  • 80 non-volatile preset memories.
  • 19 User memories (OEM definable).
  • Full and individual parameter locking.
  • Delay linking option allows speaker box alignment while keeping driver alignment.
  • Mono sub mix is provided.
  • OEM and end user loadable presets.
  • Excellent sound quality: uses XTA’s proprietary AudioCore DSP engine and algorithms.
  • RS232 interfaces, provided as standard, allow connection to PC enabling quick and easy updates of software and presets.
  • Accommodates mains voltages from 70V to 260V without adjustment.



Manuale Processore XO4:XO4A


  • 4 inputs and 8 outputs – native processing now runs at 96k resulting in wider bandwidth (over 30kHz)
  • Improved converters – lower noise and improved distortion figures.
  • Bigger 2×24 character display with new low profile buttons.
  • Auto switching power supply works across the world on all voltages
  • XO4A – Audiocore compatibility (Not available in the standard XO4), control up to 32 processors remotely via 3 Pin-XLR standard signal cable, using RS485 (wireless adaptor available).


As a successor to the XO1, the new 4-in 8-out audio management system from XTA, in collaboration with Funktion One, offers advanced processing capabilities and improved performance along with extra features as standard.

  • 4 inputs and 8 outputs – native processing now runs at 96k resulting in wider bandwidth (over 30kHz).
  • Flexible routing matrix – in addition to standard fixed configurations such as 4 x 2 way (standard configs are still implemented), any output may be fed from any input or the sum of inputs. Edit buttons show routing instantly when pressed.
  • Extended processing capabilities – 9 (previously 5) full bandwidth parametric bands available on every output, all switchable between PEQ, high and low shelving responses.
  • Input EQ is now offered as standard – 8 bands of fully parametric EQ on each input channel.
  • Further extended processing capabilities – crossover filters on each output now offer 48dB/Oct. responses, on top of the previously available 1 to 4dB/Octave options. A gentle 6dB/Octave roll-off response is also now included.
  • Legendary XTA program limiters with automatic and manual time constant facilities.
  • New additional ”D-Max” limiter with look ahead processing allows attack time of standard limiter to be optimised for best audio quality, whilst still being able to set a ceiling on the maximum output of any channel.
  • Delay memory allows for up to 650mS from any input to any output – extra fine delay resolution on outputs for driver alignment, in 30nS (0.1mm) steps!
  • Extended memory capacity – user memories now extended to a maximum of 55 which may be Input data, X-over data or both.
  • Library manager software available for design of OEM presets – design your crossover live whilst connected to the unit, and lock out any parameters as required to stop end user adjustment/viewing. No practical limit to the number of presets that may be stored (over and above the user memories).
  • Improved converters – lower noise and improved distortion figures.
  • AES Input accepts AES rates from 32k up to 192k via a sample rate converter. Front panel indication of AES selection and AES lock status.
  • AES Output (available special order as a product enhancement) sample rate fixed at 96k.
  • Familiar 226 style user interface with enhancements including menu shortcuts and quick access triple press editing to get the job done quickly. ALL functions are available though the front panel interface – NOTHING is just a remote facility.
  • Bigger 2 x 24 character display with new low profile buttons.
  • Auto switching power supply works across the world on all voltages.
L’equazione è semplice e di eccezioni ne esistono poche: suono scadente = party scadente.
A cosa servono dischi grandiosi, un dj-set appassionato e un folto pubblico eccittato, quando i presenti invece di bassi profondi e alti dilanianti sono costretti ad ascoltare solo uno stupido MUMPF MUMPF MUMPF?!?
Funktion One, fondato nel 1992 dagli inglesi Tony Andrews e John Newsham, è il sistema di amplificazione più famoso del momento, che cerca di portare una risoluzione definitiva al problema appena esposto.
I diffusori della Funktion one, altamente curati ed innovativi sia dal punto di vista estetico che da quello tecnico, sono ormai considerati i riferimenti mondiali in fatto di qualità audio e pulizia del sound proposto.
Il raggiungimento della migliore qualità sonora possibile è l’obiettivo principale della casa britannica, che presta un’attenzione assoluta nei confronti dell’ effetto emozional e, non in relazione alla sola musica, ma soprattutto rispetto alla profondita del suono nel senso più totalizzante del termine. Il sistema di amplificazione possiede inoltre un perfetto controllo direzionale che permette di concentrare l’essenza del sound all’interno del dancefloor minimizzando, al tempo stesso, il rumore all’ esterno e le ire del vicinato. Il suono, pur spinto ai massimi picchi di volume, non disturba affatto, né affatica il sistema uditivo: potere della tecnologia my friends!
Il Funktion One è oramai installato nei migliori clubs del globo, tra quali spiccano il Cielo di New York, il T-Bar di Londra, il Lux di Lisbona, e il Berghain di Berlino e negli ultimi anni ha visto crescere il suo utilizzo anche nei più celebri festival musicali (Glastonbury, Glade, Creamfields o il Detroit Electronic Music Festial).
Dietro l’accattivante design si cela la volontà quasi maniacale di Sir Andrews e soci, di creare un’eccitante, unica e coinvolgente listening experience per il pubblico. “La differenza tra un suono cattivo ed uno buono è come la differenza che c’è tra un giorno cupo ed uno col sole”, dice Mr. Funktion One: “entrambe sono condizioni meteorologiche, ma una ti butta a terra, l’altra solleva lo spirito”:come non essere d’accordo con un’ affermazione del genere??
Il suono del nuovo millennio è arrivato: mettiamoci in fila per ascoltarlo e poter dire un giorno“io c’ero”